Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Beethoven Symphony no.5

I went to see my course mate’s wind orchestra last Saturday. I really surprise that one of the songs they played is Beethoven Symphony no.5, it’s one of my favorite songs!!! Man, I really excited that night. I never see an orchestra plays this song and this band only includes all the winds and brass instruments. At first, I wonder how they going to play this song without any string instruments. But finally, they did surprise me!! The conductor is came from Taiwan and he is a very talented young man, and frankly speaking, he looks similar with my another course mate! Haha…

I like this song very much as the first rhythms of this song is “short-short-short-long”. As the conductor said, the rhythms show the rhythms of our lives. Once you listen to this song, your heartbeat will dance with the rhythms. Your heart will beats faster when it reaches climates and your heart will beats slower when after the climates.

Here I post a video clip of this song which I downloaded from youtube. The conductor named Karajan, who very famous around world. I don’t know where he came from and I don’t know his details actually, I just know about him from youtube. Hehe… He is looks like Beethoven if he keeps his hair long. Haha… I like the way he conduct the song, as he looks funny, with white hair, an old man but powerful and full of expressions… This band is an old man band as every player are old man, I can even notice a man with a half round moon shape spectacle, like the Prof. Dumbledore in the Harry Potter!! Well, I can’t see any ladies inside the band. And all of them are very skillful and experienced. I really appreciate them.

Well, if you are really interested in Beethoven’s song, go buy his album and remember to borrow me ya… Hehe…

Sunday, September 21, 2008


从小到大,我就没尝试过孤单,寂寞的滋味,也不知道如果一个人去上学或补习到底是什么感觉,因为我一直都有个孪生妹妹陪伴着. 如果有人问我,你一生感到最幸福的是什么? 那我一定毫无疑问的回答,“我有个孪生妹妹”,因为有她,才有现在的我.

还记得以前别人曾问过我,双胞胎的感觉如何?我一定会答“不喜欢”因为什么事情都要一起share,什么事情都比较,就连哪一个比较漂亮都要比较,明明就是一样的样子嘛我们彼此都不喜欢被比较,一起share东西的感觉. 就连一本参考书,我们都争到跌厕所,搞到全身黑青才干愿. 我们也为了妈妈比较疼谁而争吵过想回来,还觉得自己蛮幼稚的哈哈

到那时拿到进大学的通知单,我们都拿到不同的大学,而且还是槟城与吉隆坡我还记得非常清楚,那天我要出发到吉隆坡了,这是我们第一次分开,我才体会到那种依依不舍的感觉,在道别时,明明已经很想哭出来了,讲话也在抖了,却又逞强地忍着那不请自来的泪水,我隐隐约约在眼角看到妹妹也是快哭出来了,结果我们都不敢看对方而匆匆道别,怕如果谁先哭出来就是不能停了. 从车的望后镜看着她的背影,我不禁后悔了. 如果时间让我回到那一刻,我会冲过去,抱着她,叫她保重,然后痛哭. 然而现在已经没有哪个机会了,因为我们从不曾拥抱彼此

然而现在,我们都还是很好,虽然有时还是会吵架,几乎天天通电话,因为电话费不用钱的. 哈哈我们读同一个科系,只是在不同的大学而已,巧吧? 这就是缘分啦

我在写这篇文章时我哭了,却又不想让我的roommate看到,只能一直拼命的喝水 因为我不是很记得她的样子了,太久没见她,一年才见两次,也只能用照片来看看我这个做姐姐的还真是失败但是我可以很肯定地说,她也一定不是很记得我的样子了哈哈


记得刚进大学时,很多都说我们的房间是美女房,因为都住着三位美女,现在是四位美女.. 嘻嘻被人称为美女是件好事,因为我妈妈说过,如果有人赞你漂亮或美女,那你就是真得很漂亮,如果有人赞你五官端正,那你还算漂亮,如果有人赞你有气质,那你是由大家闺秀的风范,但是如果有人赞你可爱,那他一定是没有形容词可以用来形容你了所以,无论如何我都不会让别人用可爱来形容我. 哈哈